Friday, September 14, 2007

Running Your Installed WindowsXP on Linux OS

Sorry if you can't understand my previous post. From now on I decided to make this blog English only, and if you prefer Indonesian, please visit

Here is what u need:
  • VirtualBox (>=1.4) installed.
  • user that can run the VirtualBox virtualisation (included in the group : "vboxusers") and also a member of "disk" and "plugdev" group.
  • Minimum RAM 256MB to be shared with the guest OS. This means that u must have >256MB RAM. I guess 512MB will be fine.
  • No "agp440.sys" in the folder : :\Windows\System32\drivers. Please read this for details
  • On this tutorial, hard drive is detected as "/dev/sda". Make adjustment according to your own system.

What U Should do Before U Begin :
  • Create a System Restore Checkpoint and backup your data first.
  • Most likely you will need to activate your Windows on the first run. It's a little annoying if u still want to boot your Windows system normally; u'll have to activate it again. And so on, and so on....
  • I've experienced some difficulties on notebooks when I tried to boot my WindowsXP system again normally. The keyboard and mouse driver make the laptop's keyboard and touchpad freeze. This is when I use my System Restore.

  • As the user that already has the needed previleges, run this command on your favourite terminal :
$ VBoxManage internalcommands listpartitions -rawdisk /dev/sda
  • Match the partition number with your WindowsXP partition.
  • Enter the user's home folder, enter the ".VirtualBox" directory, make the directory "VDI", and enter it.
  • Run this command on the "VDI" directory.
$ VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename file_name.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/sda -partitions 1,5 -relative -register
  • 1,5 = the partition number that you want to include on your virtual system
  • run VirtualBox, and make new profile with these specs :
OS_Type : Windows XP
Base memory size : min 256
Boot Hard disk : file_name.vmdk
  • Please visit this website , find "boot disk image" and download it.
  • Mount that ISO file that you've just downloaded, in your virtualBox profile.
  • Try to boot your virtual system.
  • If something goes wrong, try setting the IO-APIC feature (on your VirtualBox profile) on.
Have phun....
Indonesian version of this tutorial and some screenshots are available on this page.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Console dengan high resolution pada ubuntu gutsy

Blog berbahasa Indonesia pertama.....

Semenjak Ubuntu gutsy menggunakan kernel 2.6.22-*, vga=791 membuat console jadi item alias blank gak keluar apa2. Baru2 aja ketemu nih solusinya. Gak pake vga=791 seh , tapi efeknya kurang lebih sama. Nih langkah2nya dapet dari forum orang jerman:

-sudo bash
-apt-get install hwinfo
-echo "fbcon" >> /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
-update-initramfs -u -k all
-sudo bash
-hwinfo --framebuffer

Perhatikan baik-baik. ntar keluar keterangan tentang resolusi 1024x768 dengan 24 bits. Perhatikan angka heksadesimal setelah Mode. Pada sistemku adalah '0x0318'. Nah mode inilah yang menggantikan '791' setelah 'vga='. Tambahkan option ini pada /boot/grub/menu.lst.

Skian . terima kasih.

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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tango-nizing N-Gage with SysIconz

All right , I've finally made it !!!!

After I 'force' my WindowsXP to use a little open-source (that Microsoft really hates) on it's base system, now my N-Gage follows !!! Presenting Tango Icon theme for N-Gage and Symbian S60 v1 !!!
Since no one I don't know ever write comments to this blog, I won't upload my creation. Just to test : is there someone I don't know ever read my blog ? OK, if you willing to get this theme, write a comment. And that's an order

Here's a teaser screenshoot :

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

using gaim emocticons on Pidgin (Ubuntu)

Since Gaim changes it name to Pidgin, the good old emocticons are missing. Some people might think the new emocticons are better, but I think they're lacking of animation. So I've tried to copy the gaim's one to Pidgin. And guess what , it works.

On ubuntu gutsy 7.10 , pidgin emocticons are placed in /usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/emotes/. I've copied the gaim's default emocticons folder to that directory, from Windows installation to Linux instalation. Don't overwrite it, but rename the gaim one (eg: gaim)

And if you fell annoyed with the multiple 'Default' title, edit the 'theme' file placed on the directory.

On the first line you should easily found the theme's name. Change it to anything you liked.

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Monday, May 07, 2007

gaim - xmms status integration

Hey ya....

I've just found a way to display what xmms is playing as gaim's status. Use 'musictracker'. Get it here.

By the way, u must compile it by yourself. Just make sure all the development package involving it (such as gaim-dev, libgtkmm-dev, etc) already installed.

Make sure u follow all the instruction (especially those about xmms configuration) given by the website.

Keep on listenin' music......

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

AIGLX for Radeon Xpress 200M petition

As you might already know, AIGLX that is (not so) required by beryl/compiz project includes the usage of open-source driver for ATI's cards. However, there is one type of video adapter thats not supported because some memory issues : Radeon Xpress 200M. Ironicly, this chipset is often included on mainstream notebooks and motherboard. So, this problem involves many Radeon Xpress 200M users that were dreaming to use AIGLX on their Linux OS.

Here is a petition for ATI/AMD about this problem.

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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Using IEEE layout and class on Lyx 1.4.3-5 win32

Lyx is an WYSIWYG approach on LaTeX WYSIWYM document processing. On its default installation it includes IEEE transaction template. But if u try it after a fresh install, u'll only get some sh*t of errors.

So here is the steps to make it (almost) right.

  1. Install Lyx 1.4.3-5 and try to not execute it yet.
  2. download the file Find it by googling.
  3. extract it to the Miktex installation latex/lyx sub-dir. The default installation path is: C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex
  4. Run Miktex's 'Settings' from the $tart menu. Click on both "Refresh FNDB" and "Update Formats" just to make sure.
  5. Start Lyx. If u follow my words and not execute it directly after installation, u should see some preconfiguration. Basicly it'll search some missing document classes on Lyx' repo from the internet. If u have a good internet connection and do want to upgdate it then just click "Install" every now and then. Otherwise, just click "Cancel"
  6. After Lyx loads up, select tools- and on the Language Settings- tree untick "use babel". I'm not sure what it's overall effect but it'll remove babel-related errors that complains about "English language not defined".
  7. Try New from template.. under the file menu and select IEEEtran.
  8. Just to make sure try View- Thats all folks..

Oh... btw, almost similar steps may be done on Linux distro. View the complete steps on "theCallipygousCamel - D-Arbalogue" blog at "Using lyx for IEEE transactions" topic. I can't remember the address, but I'm sure googling will do.

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