Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Using IEEE layout and class on Lyx 1.4.3-5 win32

Lyx is an WYSIWYG approach on LaTeX WYSIWYM document processing. On its default installation it includes IEEE transaction template. But if u try it after a fresh install, u'll only get some sh*t of errors.

So here is the steps to make it (almost) right.

  1. Install Lyx 1.4.3-5 and try to not execute it yet.
  2. download the file IEEEtran.zip. Find it by googling.
  3. extract it to the Miktex installation latex/lyx sub-dir. The default installation path is: C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex
  4. Run Miktex's 'Settings' from the $tart menu. Click on both "Refresh FNDB" and "Update Formats" just to make sure.
  5. Start Lyx. If u follow my words and not execute it directly after installation, u should see some preconfiguration. Basicly it'll search some missing document classes on Lyx' repo from the internet. If u have a good internet connection and do want to upgdate it then just click "Install" every now and then. Otherwise, just click "Cancel"
  6. After Lyx loads up, select tools- and on the Language Settings- tree untick "use babel". I'm not sure what it's overall effect but it'll remove babel-related errors that complains about "English language not defined".
  7. Try New from template.. under the file menu and select IEEEtran.
  8. Just to make sure try View- Thats all folks..

Oh... btw, almost similar steps may be done on Linux distro. View the complete steps on "theCallipygousCamel - D-Arbalogue" blog at "Using lyx for IEEE transactions" topic. I can't remember the address, but I'm sure googling will do.

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