Tuesday, May 12, 2009

S60v3 Tango! Icon Theme


- Developed based on Tango! Theme S60v3 by Sukimashita.
- All icon on SVG format.
- Complete Context Menu icon for Nokia E63 1st party apps ( and perhaps a few other types of S60v3 phones )
- A few Clearlooks style widgets
- A few icon customization for some 3rd party applications

To-Do :
- Completing list icons costumization
- Completing Clearlooks widget

Notes :
- License : Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
- Contains portion from :

- Please give your feedbacks for further development.
- Want to participate ? Download the Carbide.UI project file and start developing. Make sure you use Carbide.UI theme edition v3.4 to work with the project.
- Want to show this theme on your website,blog, or forum post ? Please keep the download URL intact so I can monitor the download counts. But if you decided to re-upload the files, please add an URL to this page on your post.

download the installer package (SIS)
download the source project (Carbide.UI project)

Visit the project page here.


  1. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Great theme :-)

  2. DREMA1:13 PM


  3. Seems that the file hosting is down. I'm sorry for this...
    I didn't know when it'll be up, but if it keeps like this for a month, I'll search for another file hosting.

  4. Thank you very much for your work on this great theme. I'm sure the symbian community appreciates it.

  5. @ Noah
    You're welcome
