Monday, October 16, 2006

Historical Log: USB freezes on Ubuntu

   After I managed to enable video hardware acceleration on Ubuntu with fglrx, suddenly at random times the USB mouse freezes. And the flash disk that plugged in is freezes too.
    Forums on the internet says that it is because of the APIC module. So I tried to disable the APIC with "noapic" line on bootup.
     And the problem solve with another problem showing up: the ethernet card freezes....
    I hope this bug will be fixed soon. Anyone know how to solve this bug maybe?

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Enter Ubuntu!

Enter Ubuntu!First time I tried ubuntu, I was quite dissapointed. It offered ugly desktop environment and static system management. But after I tried the 6.06 LTS, the changes they made is quite wonderfull. More user friendly GNOME and administration steps that I finnaly understand.

So, I tried to install it on my notebook PC. Some problems occured... The system lockups at installation process. I think it is because there is not enough physical memory on my notebook.

Then I tried to create swap partition first, but the problem is still occured at the partitioning step. Finally I was able to solve this problem by running gparted first so the installer's partitioner program can be loaded to the memory first.

It takes about half an hour to finish the installation, and my Ubuntu is ready.

Here is my Notebook Ubuntu Laptop test result.

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First Timer

Welcome to my blog-paradise.

Well this is my first post, so I think it is best to Introduce myself.
My name is Antok, I live in Indonesia, and currently studying at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. I am new at blogging.

Because of my current activity background, this blog will be focusing on computer-related things, and musics.

Have a good time...

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