Thursday, November 19, 2015

Ijo Kolor Studios has released its first mobile game: MathBreaker

New Android mobile games from Ijo Kolor Studios has been released today. It is called MathBreaker. The gameplay mixes Breakout and math operation. It was made in around 2 months using the sophisticated Game Maker Studio.

Do try it out and leave your feedbacks about it.

Check the game out on the link below :

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Check on which global zone does the Solaris container resides

One of the major challenge of managing Oracle Solaris server is finding out where the host really resides. The system administrator can't just assume that every Solaris shell they login into is the global zone. Even more problems could arise if the administrator is new or the system just have been handed over to them.

One way to find out which the Solaris container resides is by using this long command :